Reward Policy and Practice
Webinar: Fair Reward Policy – What does it mean and how is it changing?
If remuneration was a controversial issue before Covid, the turbulent aftermath of the pandemic and its long-lasting scars are already adding complexity to reward policy. The pandemic inevitably forced many companies to adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach to reward. Having delayed their triennial review in 2020, a focus on their remuneration policy has now become a matter of urgency.
Facing this new and unique set of challenges, it is an opportunity for a more wide-ranging rethink of reward – in the context of an increased level of scrutiny on reward decisions, especially for those companies that have benefitted from taxpayer support during the pandemic. A watchful media will be on the lookout for any signs of ‘excessive’ executive pay. This will require a careful balancing act around what constitutes fair reward.
To offer us some guidance and insights, we invited a diverse panel of speakers reflecting the various perspectives of: Business School Professor, Chief Executive of an independent think tank, RemCo Chair, Senior Independent Director, Group HRD, and leading Remuneration Consultant.
0:01:12 Setting the Scene – George Feiger
0:10:48 Key Changes to Remuneration Policy – Peter Boreham
0:26:40 New Frontiers of Fairness – Torsten Bell
0:46:16 Rewarding in Exceptional Times – Celia Baxter
1:06:45 Influences on Remuneration Decisions – Alan Giles
1:13:12 Panel Discussion
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