Business Strategy
Retrospective: Building and Sustaining Great Organisations
CRF’s annual conference returned in hybrid form this year, with attendees gathering online and in-person in London on 12th October for a day of networking, learning, and exchanging ideas.
The topic this year was Building and Sustaining Great Organisations, a timely concern given that the capacity of organisations to adapt and renew has been tested throughout 2020 and 2021.
Together with academics and expert practitioners, we explored the defining features of a great organisation, discussing how to create success, develop great people, deal with failure and implement high-growth strategies. We learned what is required of leaders to build, renew, and sustain great organisations. We examined the role that failure plays in innovation. We discovered a tool for understanding how people and organisations learn. We took a fresh look at how business strategies are developed, with an emphasis on clarity and inclusion. Finally, we considered the qualities of agile organisations.
We hope this Retrospective, with its videos, summaries, speaker insights, and key takeaways, will help you apply the learning points to your own organisational challenges. And we hope to see you all for CRF’s International Conference in Athens in October 2022.
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